I cook these noodles and pasta items specially for my kids.. during the time when they want to eat different food ..
1 noodles pack
bell pepper - 1/2
carrot -1
mushroom -3
beans- 4
spring onion- 1 long
Garlic - 2 to 3 cloves
white pepper
1. Take a noodles pack (i use regular noodles... or u can use maagi noodles too) keep some water like 1 cup water for one pack and leave it to boil for some time..just move the noodles with fork in the middle. keep a side
2. Cut the vegetables according to size and shape i use like peeled carrot long thin slices, beans small circles, bell pepper long thin slcies, spring onion short circles
3. Take a vessel i use stell kadai pour oil on it and allow to boil for some time
4.Now keep garlic and vegetables one by one cook well..
5. Add white pepper,salt
6.Add noodles to it and mix well
7.Serve hot with maagi ketup or sauce..
kids love it....
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